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P O R T F O L I O  -  M O D E L S   &   R E N D E R I N G S
- C O S T U M E   D E S I G N S   &   R E N D E R I N G S -
Sketches                                                                                                                                           Scene Painting

Tartuffe, 2000

By Moliére

Boston University Costume Design Class

Boston, MA



A Servant of Two Masters, 1999

By Carlo Goldoni

Boston University Costume Design Class

Boston, MA



Hayfever, 1999

By Noel Coward

Boston University Costume Design Class

Boston, MA



The Tempest, 1998

By William Shakespeare

Boston University Costume Design Class

Boston, MA



Holiday, 1998

By Philip Barry

Boston University Costume Design Class

Boston, MA
